you make me feel
Bara för att jag vet att Britta fortfarande bevakar den här bloggen på bloglovin...
Hej Britta!
Du är bäst, här får du din favoritlåt ♥
i just can't get enough
i love you guys
letar efter nått att säga som kan ändra allt
Veronica Maggio - Snälla bli min
Grymma tjejor
This is letting go
Go on alone
Because I won't follow
But this isn't giving up
No, this is letting go

Vilken är bättre?
ge mig sommar
Åååh myyy, jag är så kär i den här låten av Verionca Maggio, vill bara ta en road trip runt hela sverige i sommaroch låta den här spelas i högtalarna, köra runt vid rapsfälten i kvällssolen och sitta med solglasögon och njuta av livet.
Veronica Maggio - Jag kommer
Veronica Maggio - Jag kommer

greyson chance
Bästa kommentaren till det här klippet: "jesus why the fuck are all the new singers like 10 years old"
Alltså det här är ju killen som lät som lady gaga, men han låter ju fortfarande som en tjej nu, eller?
bring me back
Vad ska vi bjuda på idag då?
Något trevligt kanske.. En sång? Nää, det blir så svårt.
Någon morgonpigg därute som vill följa med på något otroligt roligt på söndag morgon? :)
Något trevligt kanske.. En sång? Nää, det blir så svårt.
Någon morgonpigg därute som vill följa med på något otroligt roligt på söndag morgon? :)
Löv att ni är två stycken som tittar in hit varje dag.
Och ändå är det helt dött?
Ni får en låt, bara för att ni är så söta
Och ändå är det helt dött?
Ni får en låt, bara för att ni är så söta
Dagens låt 4/10
(sjuuuuukt bra låt!)
The All-American Rejects – Breakin'
In a clear view there’s a silhouette
And I watch you and I can’t forget
Knew we were done when you locked that door
Yeah I figured it now
Breaking’s what the heart is for
For so long
I’ve had to bite my tongue but what’s the point if the feelings gone
I turn my head
Learned I only see some memory but all I see is red
Don’t don’t
Say it didn’t happen that way
I won’t won’t
Believe another word that you say
And not a soul sleeps
Another heart skips a beat
It’s every note that you wrote and I hope that you choke on the lines
You’re wasting my time, another heart beats tonight
Dagens låt 1/10

Acceptance – Take Cover
Caught you
So take cover
Never saw it coming, till you put me on again
Had you and no other
The game, the lie is getting old
She starts to feel it on her own
She makes the city seem like home
All you had from me is gone
And I give and I give
But you hope in return
Never thought I'd be the one to burn
Everytime I feel this inside
I don't wanna be the one to
I don't wanna be the one who...
Dagens låt 1/10
Acceptance – Take Cover
Caught you
So take cover
Never saw it coming, till you put me on again
Had you and no other
The game, the lie is getting old
She starts to feel it on her own
She makes the city seem like home
All you had from me is gone
And I give and I give
But you hope in return
Never thought I'd be the one to burn
Everytime I feel this inside
I don't wanna be the one to
I don't wanna be the one who...
Dagens låt 30/9
Maroon 5 – Runaway
What am I supposed to do to get by
Did I loose everything I need to survive
Cause its 4AM and the sweats sets in
Did you get my message, did it send
Or did you just get on with your life, oh
I'm taking time to thinking I
Don't think it's fair for us to
Turn around and say goodbye
I have this feeling when I
Finally find the words to say
But I can't tell you if you turn around and runaway, runaway
Dagens låt 29/9
Nickelback – Far Away
I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore
So keep breathing
Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe in
Hold on to me and never let me go
Tillängnat världens finaste Adrienne
Dagens låt 28/9
Melanie Fiona – It Kills Me - Da Internz Remix
I've got trouble with my friends
Trouble in my life
Problems when you don't come, home at night
But when you do you always start a fight
But I cant be alone , I need you to come on home
I know you messin around, but who the hell else is gonna hold me down
Ooooh I gotta be out my mind to think it's gonna work this time
A part of me wants to leave, but the other side still believes
And it kills me to know how much I really love you
So much I wanna ooh hoo ohh to you hoo hoo
Dagens låt 27/9
Natalie Merchant – My Skin
(en äckligt fin låt)
I've been treated so wrong,
I've been cheated so long as if I'm becoming untouchable
Do you remember the way that you touched me before,
all the trembling sweetness
I loved and adored...
Your face saving promises
whispered like prayers.
I don't need them.
Well, is it dark enough,
can you see me?
do you want me?
can you reach me?
or I'm leaving...
Dagens låt 26/9
Erik Hassle – Bitter End
I knew I had what I wanted But still I wanted more
All I got was a troubled mind And now I just can't get over you So it comes a bitter end Guess I blew it once again Still I haven't learned my lesson well I can't get over you Could you spit me in the face Could I starve a houndred days Whatever it takes to break this spell I can't get over you Could you please give me forgiveness And wash my sins away 'Cause without love my life is pretty pointless I just can't get over you